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LIT Career Prep

Transitioning from school to work can be daunting for some. You may at times feel under-prepared. Build up your confidence by learning resume and interview tips, acquiring transferrable skills, and finding out more about different work environment and culture through our learning journeys.

Find out more about our array of LIT Career Prep programmes below.

*For NTUC Union Members and NTUC Starter Members only.

You may at times feel under-prepared. LIT Career Prep is here to help you!

Team Meeting
LIT Prep

Looking to polish your resume or learn the know-hows to tackling tricky interview questions?


LIT Prep is curated specially for you to get personal guidance from our volunteer Career Coaches and HR professionals on your resume writing and interview skills. Land that dream job with the support of LIT Prep!

LIT Masterclass

Acquire transferable skills for employability in a dynamic economy. Learn more about various topics from industry experts, and you can take these skills and knowledge with you in your career journey! 

Boost your employability with our LIT Prep and LIT Masterclass sessions!

Business Proposal
LIT Learning Journey

Embark on learning journeys to companies from various sectors. Hear from the company representatives on the day-to-day roles, company cultures and career prospects. Meet and network with the company representatives and HR recruiters and you might have a chance to kickstart your career journey with the company.

See it for yourself, make sure it's a good fit!

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